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Israel’s secret relationship with Africa?

Posted by AT on June 16, 2010

Africa Today 61
Topic: Israel’s secret relationship with Africa?
Broadcast: 15th June 2010
Presenter: Henry Bonsu
1- Thandi Makiwane, Community Activist
2- Richard Millett, Journalist
3- Richard Dowden, Royal African Society

Part 1

A report in the Guardian uncovers one of Israel’s secret relationship with Africa. It is not known the extent of Israel’s alliance with Africa and Secret documents revealing offer to sell nuclear warheads to South Africa cast fresh light on alliance.
It’s the relationship that never was. Kept to the shadows, it was shielded behind secret agreements and disinformation that dressed up military cooperation as mining deals.
But when the spotlight occasionally flickered over one of the most intimate and enduring alliances of the postwar years, Israel was quick to underplay its deep military ties with apartheid South Africa as nothing more than a necessity of survival without a flicker of ideological affinity.
But as is shown by Sasha Polakow-Suransky’s book, The Unspoken Alliance, that relationship went beyond mere convenience.
For years after its birth, Israel was publicly critical of apartheid and sought to build alliances with the newly independent African states through the 1960s.
But after the 1973 Yom Kippur war, African governments increasingly came to look on the Jewish state as another colonialist power. The government in Jerusalem cast around for new allies and found one in Pretoria. For a start, South Africa was already providing the yellowcake essential for building a nuclear weapon.

Part 2

Israel’s relationship with South Africa began after most African governments cut ties with Israel against its 1973 Yom Kippur war. These Africa governments became suspicious about Israel and saw it as another colonialist power. South Africa was already providing Israel Uranium, a key ingredient in building nuclear weapon. Israel on the other hand failed in its attempts to sell South Africa nuclear warheads. However, Israel armed and provided the white minority government with military technology to help sustain its hold on power and its oppression of the black majority over two decades. South Africa subsequently became Israel’s largest weapons buyer. Is South Africa the only country Israel had this secret affair with? Africa Today explores Israel’s covert relationships with other African countries, and asks why some would rather we didn’t know what’s really going on”.

Part 3

Israel’s Africa relationship started long before Israel was founded in 1948. The father of modern political Zionism, Theodor Herzl in 1907 said “once I have witnessed the redemption of the Jews, my people, I wish also to assist in the redemption of the Africans.” This redemption was however shrouded in secret agendas and deals. Formal relations with Africa was established in the 1950’s when Israel opened its first embassy in Africa in Accra, Ghana. However many experts believe that Israel was more interested in political advantages and not economic gains. Its main contributions to Africa have been in the form of military aid such as weapons and training. Israel’s aim was to gain support over its war in the Arab region and also defuse Arab influence in Africa. The extent of this relationship with Africa is unknown but it is believed it goes further than South Africa.

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Has Ethiopian elections reversed the cycle of mistrust in its democratic system?

Posted by AT on June 15, 2010

Africa Today 60
Topic: Has Ethiopian elections reversed the cycle of mistrust in its democratic system?
Broadcast: 8th June 2010
Host: Vuyiswa
1- Dr. Winston Mano; Editor, Journal of African Media Studies
2- Yosef Haimanot; Central Committee member, EPPF

Part 1

Ethiopian’s have voted in the first election since a 2005 contest which was marred by protests that led to the deaths of 200 people.
Ethiopians voted on Sunday in national elections that are expected to return long-serving Prime Minister Meles Zenawi to power in the first ballot since a disputed poll in 2005 turned violent.
The opposition admits it has little chance of victory but says that is because the ruling Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) has tightened its grip on power and routinely intimidates and jails its critics.

The EPRDF says it has won popularity during a period of economic growth by building roads, hydropower dams and supplying electricity to villages in a country where nearly 10 percent of the population needed emergency food aid last year.
Mr Thijs Berman, the European Union’s chief observer, said his impression from a visit to a polling station in the capital Addis Ababa was “very positive”. But, one of the main opposition parties, the All Ethiopian Unity Party (AEUP) said its supporters and candidates were beaten, arrested and blocked from their constituency in Eastern and Western Ethiopia

part 2

This was Ethiopia’s first election since 2005. In that election it was reported that about 200 protestors were gunned down by police following a highly contested election in that year. In this year’s election the opposition claimed there had been fraud and irregularities in some areas of the country.   The current sitting prime minister, Meles Zenawi, who won this year’s election, has ruled the country for the past 19years. He has been criticized by the opposition and some international observers for suppressing press freedom, as well as the activities of the opposition parties and human rights groups. The AU commended the election as free and fair. However, United States and European Union observer mission criticized Prime Minister Zenawi for narrowing political space in the country.  As there were no reports of violence this time, Africa Today asks if perhaps, the election has reversed the cycle of mistrust in the country’s democratic system?

part 3

Ethiopia has a population of about 85 million people. The country mainly depends on agriculture which accounts for 60 percent of its foreign income and 80 percent of national employment.  Ethiopia has been plaque by a series of famines and droughts and its worst famine happened between 1984 and 1985 when almost one million people died after severe droughts.  Ethiopia is a strategic partner of the US in its fight against Somali insurgents and its military operations in the Horn of Africa. Mr Meles comes from a region called Tigray which accounts for about 6 percent of the national population and controls all major security institutions in the country. After successive coups Mr Meles stabilized the country after becoming Prime minister in 1995 and since then has tightened his grip on power.


Watch the comments on this (EthioTube) website.

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Why has there been an apparent silence on the LRA’s (Congo) latest killings?

Posted by AT on April 15, 2010

Africa Today 52
Topic: Why has there been an apparent silence on the LRA’s latest killings?

Broadcasting date: 13/04/2010
Presenter: Vuyiswa

Ambrose Nzeyimana, Coordinator, Organising for Africa

Tedi Mavoka, Coordinator, DRC Vision

part 1

At least 321 people were killed and hundreds were abducted in one of the worst massacres by Africa’s most feared rebel group, the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), in the Democratic Republic of Congo in December.
A three-year-old girl was burnt to death during the attack on men, women and children, an investigation by a human rights group has revealed.
Villagers who escaped death were sent back with their lips and ears cut off as a warning to others of what would happen if they talked — a tactic used frequently by the LRA, which has terrorised much of northern Uganda and the border areas with Sudan and Congo for more than two decades.
The attack — which was unreported until now — confirms that the LRA has restarted terrorising the region despite losing its bases in Sudan a few years ago, when Khartoum, its main backer, signed a peace deal with south Sudanese rebels. According to Human Rights Watch the LRA also abducted at least 250 people during the attack, including 80 children.


Why media silence?
International interests in diamonds
The LRA is spread across 15,000 square miles of dense forest and plains
Main supply line from Sudanese government in Khartoum
HRW report breaks the silence

Certain groups feel that there has been international silence on LRA’s atrocities in the northern part of the Democratic republic of Congo due to the illegal trading of the region’s diamonds.
UN believes the LRA is scattered across 15,000 square miles of dense forests which includes parts of Northern Congo and the Central African Republic.
Deputy Governor of the South Sudanese state of Western Equatoria, Col Joseph Ngere, believes the groups’ line of supply comes from the Sudanese government in Khartoum.
Is the Human rights watch report the catalyst for the story coming out?


A report by Human Rights Watch has uncovered the massacres of about 321 people in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The rebel group, the Lord’s Resistance army has been behind these killings and also the abduction of hundreds of civilians. The Massacre according to the rights group is one of the worst ever committed by the LRA in its 23 year history. The attacks carried out in December last year have been unreported until now. Africa Today asks why has there been an apparent silence on the LRA’s latest killings?

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50 years after the Sharpeville massacre, is South Africa fulfilling the promise of freedom?

Posted by AT on April 8, 2010

Africa Today 51
Topic: 50 years after the Sharpeville massacre which sparked the arm struggle, is South Africa fulfilling the promise of freedom?
Broadcasting date: 6/04/10
Presenter: Vuyiswa

Studio Guests:
Mr Andrew Feinstein, Former ANC MP and author

Mr Leslie Maruziva, Chair, ZG Club

Phone Guest:
Maureen Mnisi,Chairperson, Landless People’s Movement


Sunday 21 March 2010 marks the 50th anniversary of the day that changed the course of South African history. When police opened fire on thousands of unarmed protesters, killing 69 and injuring about 180, they inadvertently provided a catalyst for decades of armed struggle and forced the rest of the world to confront the iniquity of apartheid. White minority rule finally collapsed in 1994. Two years later it was in Sharpeville that the country’s first black president, Nelson Mandela, signed a new constitution.
On 21 March that year the Pan Africanist Congress (PAC), a breakaway organisation from the African National Congress, mobilised black people across the country to demonstrate against laws that controlled their movement.
Thousands gathered outside the local police station in Sharpeville, challenging the police to arrest them for being without the pass books, or dompas, they were meant to produce on demand.


There were violent scenes and protests on the day South Africa marked 50 years since the Sharpeville Massacre. The protestors claimed promises made for freedom under the ANC government had not been fulfilled.

SOUNDBITE (Zulu) Busisiswe Mbuli, resident of Sharpeville township:
“Actually, the service delivery in this place is really not good at all. We cannot live in these shelters, they are right next to the tar road and the gas heating inside the shelter is not safe. And then there are the toilets. They are the worst.”

On 21st March 1960 about 69 people were killed and several injured when police fired on thousands of unarmed protestors in Sharpeville.

SOUNDBITE (English) Reverend Mary Shenkane, eyewitness of Sharpeville massacre:
“The shooting started. All what we could see was people falling down. It was like a storm, when people were shot, bullets were getting into the bodies of the people, tearing actually the trousers and the clothes of people. Then it was taken in section, they would shoot one person first and then I think the command would say, then to the other person.”

Many South Africans living in Sharpeville now feel betrayed and neglected after the sacrifices that led to freedom. Africa Today asks is South Africa fulfilling the promise of freedom?


21 March 1960-
Black South Africans protest Apartheid laws restricting movement Police fire unprovoked killing 69 and injuring hundreds

Apartheid rule collapses under armed struggles and international pressure

ANC’s Nelson Mandela signs a new constitution in Sharpeville

South Africa Marks 50 years since Massacre

21st of March 1960 saw unarmed black South Africans protest against segregation laws. Apatheid police forces responded aggressively, shooting 69 people dead, and injuring several others. This tragic event was the catalyst that sparked the armed liberation phase of South Africa’s resistance to Apartheid.

In 1994 the apartheid government collapsed after years of armed struggle and international condemnation

The Country’s first Black President Nelson Mandela signed a new constitution in Sharpeville in 1996

50 years since the massacre, many South Africans are remembering those who perished in Sharpeville.

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Why is Nigeria Still Incapable of Averting Religious and Ethnic Conflicts?

Posted by AT on March 31, 2010

Africa Today 50
Why is Nigeria still incapable of averting religious and ethnic conflicts?
Broadcasting date: 30 March 2010
Presenter: Vuyiswa

Femi Okutubo, Publisher / Editor-in-Chief, The Trumpet Newspaper 

Mohammed Umar, Writer 


About 200 people have been arrested and 49 charged with murder after massacres at three Christian villages at the weekend, police in Nigeria said recently. 


The announcement came as more details emerged of the violent outburst in the central Plateau state whose capital, Jos, lies at the faultline between the country’s Muslim north and Christian south.
Up to 500 people were killed — estimates of the number of victims differ — and scores more have fled their homes since the attacks by Muslim gangs on the villages of Dogo Nahawa, Zot and Ratsat.
Survivors told how mobs armed with machetes were waiting for them as they fled their burning homes. The attackers asked people “who are you?” in Fulani, a language used mostly by Muslims, and killed those who did not respond in that language. Women and children bore the brunt of the three-hour killing spree in the early hours of Sunday. 



About 500 lives were reported to have perished in the second string of attacks since January in Jos. Jos the capital city of central Plateau state in Nigeria lies at the faultline between the country’s Muslim north and Christian south. 

Authorities believe the attacks on three Christian villages in the city were an act of retribution carried out by members of the Muslim Fulani community. 

SOUNDBITE: (English) David Keng, eye witness: (part overlaid by previous shot) “We heard gunshots, then we had some phone calls from the people in this area. By the time we were nearby, we heard the sound of the guns.” 

Ikechukwu Aduba, police commissioner: “We have requested for reinforcements and have been reassured by the special general that reinforcement is on its way.” After ignoring earlier warnings, the security forces have arrested about 200 people and charged 49 with murders. 

The recent clashes in Jos are a very familiar problem in Nigeria. Some 2000 people have been killed in the conflict since 2001. The fighting is mainly religiously motivated between the Muslim North and Christian south. With many blaming the situation on the political wrangling at the top, How will Nigeria be able to change the pattern of power struggle and abuse? A problem that has existed for most of its 50 years of  independence.

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Will Mohamed ElBaradei force Hosni Mubarak out of power?

Posted by AT on March 24, 2010

Africa Today 49
Topic: Will growing opposition force Egypt’s and one of Africa’s long serving presidents out of power? 

Date of recording : 19 March 2010
Broadcasting date: 23 March 2010
Presenter: Vuyiswa

Dr Wafik Moustafa, Chair, Conservative Arab network
Dr Kamal Helbawy, Chair of center for Study of Terrorism 

Watch the full show at Press TV Africa Today site

Around 30 Egyptian opposition politicians and activists have agreed to form a coalition for political change led by the former head of the UN nuclear watchdog, Mohamed ElBaradei, who has said he may run for president. 

Members of long-marginalised opposition parties and protest movement leaders met Mr ElBaradei yesterday to launch a campaign for constitutional change before 2010 parliamentary and 2011 presidential elections. Several people involved in the talks said the group had agreed to form a “National Coalition for Change”, headed by Mr ElBaradei, 67.
The former head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, returned to Egypt on Friday to a jubilant welcome. He has said that he would consider challenging Hosni Mubarak, the country’s President for almost 30 years. Decades of autocratic rule have weakened and fractured Egypt’s opposition.
Mr ElBaradei’s return has provided a new focal point to rally support. 


With Egyptians due to vote in parliamentary elections this year and presidential elections next year, there are growing signs of political change. The latest is an agreement between about 30 opposition leaders and activists to form a coalition to challenge the current Egyptian President , Hosni Mubarak. The Coalition is led by former head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Mohamed ElBaradei. 


See: SOUNDBITE: (English) Mohamed ElBaradei, former head of International Atomic Energy Agency:
“You have seen how much support I got even before I set foot in Egypt. So it shows that people are ready, I would say even hungry for change.”
With growing support for change, Africa today asks if the presence of the former head of the UN Nuclear watch dog in the elections will be enough to challenge one of Africa’s longest serving presidents. 



1981 – A National Referendum approves Husni Mubarak as the new president. 

1999 – Mubarak begins his fourth term in office. 

2010 – Former UN nuclear chief Mohammed ElBaradei returns to Egypt and, together with opposition figures and activists, forms a coalition for political change.

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Is press freedom under attack in Ethiopia in the name of security?

Posted by AT on March 11, 2010

Africa Today 47
Topic: Is press freedom under attack in Ethiopia in the name of security?

Date of recording: 05 March 2010
Broadcasting date: 09 March 2010
Presenter: Vuyiswa


1- Mr Negussie Gamma
Exiled Journalist

2- Mr Bekele Teklu
Member, Ethiopian People Revolutionary Party


Ethiopia’s new anti-terror law strips journalists of the right to protect the identity of their sources, a top official said in a statement carried Saturday by the national news agency ENA.
“The anti-terrorism law revoked the rights of journalists not to disclose their information sources when they report on terrorism,” the agency quoted State Minister for Communication Shimeles Kemal as saying.
“The new law revoked this right taking into consideration the magnitude of disasters caused by terrorism,” he added.

AF47 opening VT

Ethiopia’s counter terrorism and media law has drawn criticism worldwide especially from human rights organizations. The government enacted legislation ahead of this year’s elections in May. According to the Human Rights Watch, the law could classify political speech and peaceful protest as terrorist acts. The new law considers as acts of terrorism, damage to property and disruption to public services . It strips journalists of the right to protect the identity of their sources. The deputy head of the office for government communication affairs Shimelis Kemal said the new law requires journalists to disclose the sources of their information when reporting on Terrorism. The law will restrict the activities of opposition parties in the run up to the elections and place reporting restrictions on journalists whose work are not in favour of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi’s party Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front EPRDF. In 2005’s elections in which Mr Zenawi’s ruling EPRDF retained political power, several protestors, political party leaders, journalists and human rights activitists were arrested. There is a fear that this new law could lead to similar instances in the elections this year. Only one other African country, Eritrea, has jailed more journalists than Ethiopia. With this law likely to erode freedom of expression in that country, Africa Today asks; Is press freedom under attack in Ethiopia in the name of security?

Part 1

Part 2

AF47 2nd VT
Africa’s oldest independent country Ethiopia has a population of over 70 million people and it’s the third most populous nation in Africa. The country gets the most relief aid and the least development aid of any poor country in the world. Ethiopia is widely known for its periodic droughts and famines. Additionally the country has also been famous for long civil conflict and a border dispute with its neighbours, Eritrea. It remains one of Africa’s poorest countries even though it is Africa’s leading country in coffee production. The economy depends mainly on agriculture and lack of rain in recent times has caused severe famine. At the end of 2006, Ethiopia sent troops into Somalia to support its transitional government. But they failed to wrestle power from the Islamists who had been in control over large parts of the country. In early 2009 Ethiopia pulled its troops from Somalia. The Country’s president Meles Zenawi’s of Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF)is in his third-five year term as prime minister after winning bitterly contested elections in May 2005. Since his win, he has broken many promises in safeguarding freedom of speech and expression. Recent anti terrorism laws are one of new measures introduced to silence opposition members and journalists in the run up to this year’s elections.

Part 3

Your Emails:

From Aticky,
I listened to the two ignorant Ethiopian self exiled refugees talking such

rubbish about Ethiopian governmental system .In the last 18 years Ethiopia

has brought a miracle in improving the lives of millions of its citizens.

Its federal system of government is superb, infrastructure development is

beyond human imagination in such a short period of time.

From Simon Hagos
 I followed the interview which was conducted with the two Ethiopian

guests who live in exile. Western countries specially the USA and UK

promote the Ethiopian democracy as exemplary, but the reality is the

opposite. with the two journalist we got detailed information about the

true picture of Ethiopia.

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Why is the Somalia situation still out of control?

Posted by AT on March 9, 2010

Africa Today 43
Topic: why is the Somalia situation still out of control?
Date of recording : 29 January 2010
Broadcasting date: 9 Feb 2010
Presenter: Vuyiswa


Mr Abdullahi Warsame
Media Editor,

Abdul Odawa-Mao
Creative producer

Mr Mahmood Delmar
Political Analyst

At least 16 civilians have been killed and more than 70 others wounded in mortar attacks in the Somali capital city of Mogadishu, officials say.

Several bombs struck the city’s northern Suqa Holaha on Monday.

“At least 16 people died and 71 others were wounded in four districts of Mogadishu,” Ali Yasin Gedi, the vice chairman of the Elman Peace and Human Rights Organization, told Reuters.

Broadcast on: 02-09-2010

Part 1

Part 2

part 3

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Will Ivory Coast find the peace and unity they once enjoyed?

Posted by AT on March 5, 2010

Africa Today Episode 45
Title: As elections are due soon, will Ivory Coast find the peace and unity they once enjoyed?
Date of recording : 19 February 2010
Presenter: Vuyiswa
Isaac Tchankap
Editor, Le Guide

Anatole Ibo
Representative, URD


Part 2

Ivory Coast’s electoral commission chief is refusing to resign over allegations that he added almost half a million fake names to voter rolls ahead of this year’s presidential election.

Robert Beugre Mambe says he did not commit fraud and on Saturday assured voters that the computer systems used by election offices are tamper-proof. Government investigators on Friday accused him of padding electoral rolls in the West African country’s rebel-controlled north.
Rebels signed a power-sharing agreement with the government in 2007. Elections were slated for 2008.
But presidential elections have been delayed every year since 2005, when President Laurent Gbagbo finished his last term. Elections are now slated for late February or early March.

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Coup in Niger a return to old habits?

Posted by AT on March 5, 2010

Host: Vuyiswa
Studio Guests:
Rolake Akinola
West Africa Snr. Analyst, Control Risks Group

Thamsanqa Zhou
Political Commentator
Phone Guest:
Prof. Okey Onyelekwe
FGrom Addis Ababa
Centre for Sustainable Governance

Broadcast 02 March 2010
from Press TV


Africa Today 47
Topic: Is the coup in Niger, The third in West Africa in 18 Months highlights the dangers a return to old habits?
Date of Recording: 5 March 2010
Broadcasting date: 2/3/10

Part 2

The leaders of the military coup in Niger have promised a “return to constitutional order”, three days after overthrowing President Mamadou Tandja. In the third coup in the West Africa in the last 18 months, troops stormed the presidential palace in Niamey during a cabinet meeting, seizing Mr Tandja and his ministers before announcing that they were suspending the constitution and dissolving all state institutions.


Read the rest of this entry »

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